Thursday, October 9, 2008


Some of you may know Russell+Hazel from their uber-trendy office supplies. They have some great new products out that I can't help but write about.

This expanding five-file tote is a stylish way to take your files to a business meeting - without feeling like you are lugging a pile of manila mess under your arm.

Then, these great binders come along to cure the boring vinyl and PVC doldrums. These binders are pressed paper - finished with silver plated corner edges. These are so much nicer than the binders we used to carry in school - they are trendy and edgy - totally my style.

Look at these cool oversized, super-thick rubber bands. Can't you just imagine a stack of your favorite novels or an unruly pile of bills (oh, sorry, I digress) tied up nicely in these bands? How nifty!!
Images courtesy of Russell+Hazel.

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