Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Not For Sale

While I was in London this past weekend, I rekindled my love for AllSaints - the eclectic fashion retailer that sells things I can't afford yet can't live without. I was smitten with so much that I saw that I almost had to bring out the smelling salts to keep from fainting.

It was at that point that I encountered this brilliant selection of merchandise. The Not For Sale collection is a series of shirts that works in partnership with the international anti-human trafficking group, Not for Sale.

All Saints says, "proceeds from the line will benefit Not For Sale’s work to combat human trafficking globally, and producers will promote the shared vision of Not For Sale and AllSaints to prevent forced labour and end human trafficking. Not For Sale equips and mobilizes Smart Activists to deploy innovative solutions to re-abolish slavery – in their own backyards and across the globe. Together we can end slavery in our lifetime."


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

So stinkin' cute...

You know, if I had a trunk, I'm not sure that I would know what to do with it either. Look at this sweet little baby elephant who is just learning to walk. Not only can he not figure out what his trunk is for, but he gets it stuck under one of those big legs of his. Ten out of ten on the "sweet-o-meter."

Friday, October 14, 2011

Etsy Love...

In honor of my upcoming trip to Paris next week - and the fact that I am as excited about fresh macaroons as I am about shopping, here are some beautiful Etsy prints that pay homage to my food fetish.



Thursday, October 13, 2011

rant - be warned

Today I realized that it's National Pet Peeve week. I've never needed a reason to share the things that drive me bat-shit crazy, but heck, if the week COMMANDS it, then who am I to deny you?

I'll start by saying that it's totally my father's fault that I'm an impatient, easily annoyed girl. I don't take people's crap well, there's really no other way to say it. But I do have things that annoy me more than others; things that will send my blood pressure through the roof and make me want to hit things. I realize as I write this, that it appears that I have a problem with rage. I can assure that's not the case – as long as the following things are kept under control by the people that surround me.

1. If you make more noise chewing your food than you do talking. This normally means one of two things. Either you have taken too much food into your pie hole and can't chew it at a normal volume or, two, you were raised by wolves.

2. If you don't stop for people in crosswalks. I won't go on about this, as I've already clearly told you how I feel.

3. If you give me advice via my Facebook status. Just because I'm your 'friend' doesn't mean that I need you to tell me what what you think I should do. If you are family or someone that I would talk to everyday regardless of our Facebook interaction, then you get a free pass. But if we aren't tight, stay out of my shit. Now, if I ask a specific question, then all bets are off. But most times, my status is not meant as an invitation for "you know what you should do?" commentary. Just sayin'.

4. If you have poor grammar.  I can't handle people who don't know the difference between their, they're, and there. Or the difference between lose and loose. Or the difference between your and you're. Or the difference between its and it's. Or the difference between...never mind, you get the point.

Look, no one is perfect. I have found errors in my writing and I'm mortified when I realize that I haven't caught the mistake before hitting the "publish" button. Mistakes happen, and always will. But if you are a working professional and your job includes sending emails to other professionals, then you may want to brush up on your skills. Not only does it annoy me, but it makes you look uneducated.

5. If you litter. Here's the deal - it's called a trash receptacle for a reason - it RECEIVES trash. If you have one, single thing that you don't put in a trash can, you are destroying my planet. You know what? That means you piss me off.

But above all, my single, biggest pet peeve is you smokers who think that the world is your ashtray. Driving behind a vehicle that tosses a burning butt out the car window makes me want to act violently towards you. It makes me want to reenact any number of scenes from Pulp Fiction on you. Probably not the gimp scene, but there are so many other options. Seriously, DON'T THROW YOUR CIGARETTE BUTTS OUT YOUR CAR WINDOW!! Don't toss them on the ground as you are walking down the street. Don't rub them against a brick wall and then toss them in the grass. You are committing a crime and I will tell you about it. I honk at you while driving and I remind you of your crime when walking. Yes, I'm one of those people. You know what? Don't do it and you won't have to listen to me bitch. Pretty easy solution as far as I'm concerned.

That's my short list. The end.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Etsy Love

Have you ever seen anything so AMAZINGLY cute? I mean, like cute on cocaine. Like cute with a side of cute. Like cute that trumps cute with the cute card!

My hound dog would look funny with her floppy ears hanging out of this, but the husky? With her perky white ears? SOLD!

Get one here, courtesy of Beantown Handmade.

Friday, October 7, 2011

I Heart...

Many of us have seen lines and lines of tributes to Steve Jobs, who passed away Wednesday from pancreatic cancer. We have quote him, thought on the message he preached, and continued to use the products he brought us without second thought.

As I sit here, typing this entry on my MacBook Pro, I can't say that my heart isn't heavy. But it's not heavy because he died – although cancer indeed sucks ass. Truly, I'm sad for me and for all the other Apple users in the world because we will never know what the next twenty years of Jobs' brain activity might have brought. The legacy that lives within the walls in Cupertino will undoubtedly continue the progress, but to what extent? I'm feeling selfish. I want more digital goodness. I love the rush I get when I read a leaked report about what's happening at my favorite brand. It's really that simple.

The boys at Foundery, a branch of Mint Digital, found a SUPERB way to honor this innovation giant. Below you will see the portrait that was created using old Apple parts. I seriously would want this in my living room if it weren't for the absolute disaster it would be to dust.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

I Heart...

these glicee prints from The Pink Pagoda. I'm in Asia a great deal and am used to seeing this style of artwork in very standard palettes and approaches. I love the color and energy that these bring to traditional subjects.

Check out their Etsy page.