Tuesday, February 17, 2009

i'm sweet on...

...this new Antwerp Chair from Anthropologie. The patchwork is hand-embroidered and it just has such a nice vintage appeal to it. At a mere $1998, it's well worth the second mortgage.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

pet peeves

There are few things in life that really get under my skin. I'm usually pretty easy to deal with, pretty even tempered. HOWEVER, these few things can set me off like a fat man on a whoopee cushion. Note to my friends: don't test me...

1. Tossing butts - the absolute last thing that I want when I'm driving down the road is a still-burning butt flying towards me at 70 mph. The simple fact that you are littering is obviously lost on you, but then you have to be a total douche and throw your flammable litter at someone else. I didn't ask to be littered on. I also didn't ask to take my life in your hands by hoping that your lit butt doesn't spark something under my hood. Do us all a favor - use your ashtray or keep an empty aluminum can in your car. Keep your butt to yourself. I have enough asses in my life.

2. Cow cud - I don't want to hear you chewing your food just like I don't want you doing it with your mouth open. It's one thing if you are eating chips or crunching on ice, but the sloppy smacking of your jaw gets my blood boiling. Really, learn some restraint...and some courtesy. And finally ...

3. 3rd grade lesson - Please learn how to punctuate. It's simple, elementary school knowledge - and if you got out of 3rd grade not knowing where a period, comma or capital letter goes, then I wonder who your mom paid off. If you are updating your FB status or sending an email, please, please do your part and grammar check. It's annoying and infantile. If you are wondering if this points at you, ask. I'm happy to call you out.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

your daily bias

facebook schmacebook

I used to be so bad at keeping up with my friends that they eventually dropped off the end of the earth - usually pissed off that I turned them off. It wasn't intentional, I just don't have the time or the inclination to be a letter writer or email sender. My thank-you note skills are equally bad, and my aunt continues to remind me how disappointed she is in me when I don't live up to the 1950's expectation of gracious living.

I have recently turned into someone that I don't recognize. Facebook has revolutionized the way that I communicate with people and, at times, I'm more connected then I would really like to be. I look at these people who use their blogs as a canvas on which to verbal vomit their life story and I'm amazed that they don't get cyber-stalked. Maybe they do and they just don't care - who knows.

But this world of Facebook has made me better at keeping in touch AND equally pissed at my inability to keep people at arms length. I hate the fact that I update my status, therefore letting my "friends" know where I am in the world - but I just can't seem to stop feeding the information like baby food on a spoon. I don't quite know where this addiction came from and I know for sure that I don't like it - but I haven't found a Facebook Anonymous meeting online yet. If I do, I'll be sure to invite my friends to the meeting by asking them to give me 25 reasons why they should come. Then they need to tag 25 of their FB friends that need the same group counseling and we'll set up a chat room to have the meeting. Everyone can be responsible for their own coffee.