(for my FB friends, you might have already read this, but I thought it warranted a post to the public - forgive, and indulge...)
You know how your mother expects you to be at your brother's birthday party, even if you have better things to do? And how your boss expects you to be at work each day, regardless of your mental state at 7 am when the decision-making about the day is at it's peak? And how your spouse or your significant other expects you to tell them truth? And how all of those things are the right thing to do - even if it's not what you want to do at the time?
Voting is kinda like that - it's an expectation. Your country - like your mother, only quieter and not as wise (keep chuckles to yourself) - expects you to vote. It's a right that you have and an expectation as a citizen of this great nation.
Now, I promise to not be political - and I know my brother-in-law thanks me for that :). I really don't care who you support in this election. I don't care who you vote for as Sheriff in your town or who you support on your City Council. What I do care about is that you care about it. You don't have to like either of the candidates on the ticket - you can write in whomever you think is the best option. That's the wonderful thing about our democracy.
I've already cast my ballot. I live in Virginia, where you can vote in person, up to 5 weeks before the election. I'm going to be in Hong Kong on election day so I wanted to make sure that I didn't miss my shot. You can do that too. You know - even if you are going to be around on Nov 4 - you can vote early just to save yourself the burden of that 7 am decision-making challenge on the morning of. Check with your local election office to see what your options are.
Please, please - just vote. Do it for somebody you love - do it for your spouse - do it for your mother - do it for your boss. Do it because it's expected of you.
This PSA is great - send it to your friends and ask them to do the same.
MOTHER'S DAY 25 - sainsbury's
3 days ago
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