Friday, July 22, 2011

The Captain

The fat cat.
The spoiled fur ball.
The boy who can't navigate the litter box and opts for kitchen tile.
The one that loves me so much it hurts.
Captain Tony Terracino.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Look here!

I've been in product development for many years – fifteen , but who's counting. I've had the chance to design for a lot of great retailers and have seen my brain children on the shelves more times than I can count. It's a really great way to make a living and I'm thankful each day.

Right now, there is an endcap in Target stores, nationwide, that contains 17 different notebook designs that I did for Top Flight (in partnership with New Leaf Paper). I'm not sure why I'm so proud of this collection, except to say that seeing this endcap in the stores makes me as giddy as a blue-hair on her way to 4 o'clock supper at Denny's. It was a true labor of love. I designed nearly 100 options before the customer was able to narrow down to the 17 you see here. There's no way to quantify the process, other than to say that it was more fun than I usually have (note some of the humor in the sayings), although it was long and arduous.

Regardless, I'm super proud of "these here" book designs. Check them out at Target, and if you are so inclined, purchase one of the more inappropriate ones (perhaps the dogs sniffing each others butts) for your mother-in-law. Tell her that I said, "you are SO welcome."

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I Heart...

Most of you know my affinity for yellow roses - both in a vase and as a motif. I was browsing Etsy today and was amazed to see all the sweet yellow rose concepts that people are hand making in their studios.

Asymmetrical Yellow and White Rose Necklace by BrittanyChavers B. Real Mini Rose Bird Necklace by MCStoneworks C. Vintage Glass Floral Stud Earrings by RoomOfYourOwn D. Yellow Rose Pendant Pearl Necklace by MEJCollection E. Ruffled Rose Earrings by LittleFleaMarket F. Yellow Rose, Jade, Pearl and Tiger Eye Necklace by lisaburkin G. Yellow Rose Twig w/ paper roses by Sophistica

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

One of those days...

Do you ever have one of those days where you can't get anyone to agree on anything? That's the day I'm having. Hell, that's the month I'm having.

These times call for beer, Jeremiah Weed, hair color, bad reality television, and padded walls. At least I have access to 4 of the 5.

Image courtesy of MMemes.

Monday, July 18, 2011

40 by 40

My friend and sister, Courtney, did her 40 by 40 and I thought "how hard can that be?" Ha! Was I wrong. This list is not in any specific order, although some of the items were harder to write than others. I think part of that is because I had to admit that they were things I actually thought I could get done in the next 2 years.

No way I'll accomplish everything, but my thinking is that in two years, I'll just change it to a 45 by 45 and add a few to the end.

Is your list similar? Is there anything that you are dying to do that you'd like a partner for? I'd really love someone to help me clean out my parents second floor, if there are any takers!

40 before 40

1. Get caught up on Dexter (still on season 4)
2. Get the Prius painted.
3. See Oprah Winfrey speak (in any venue).
4. Travel to Europe with my husband.
5. Train my fat cat how to use the toilet versus the litter box.
6. Complete a painting collection of at least 30 pieces – large enough to hold a show.
7. Buy another John Chumley.
8. Learn how to play the guitar.
9. Get my newest tattoos.
10. Spend a weekend away with my sister.
11. Complete my masters program.
12. See the Bacon Brothers, Sara Bareilles and Eric Hutchinson in concert again.
13. Dig all the rocks out of my yard.
14. Sell the Winchester house.
15. Make room in my house for Mike to move home.
16. Volunteer for Alpha Sigma Tau.
17. Spend some time with Karen Kessler
18. Spend some time with Patti Simmons.
19. Spend some time with Theresa Seddon.
20. Spend some time with Lynnette Embree.
21. Post on my blog at least twice a week (this list is a start ☺).
22. Pay off my Citibank card.
23. Secure some new freelance clients (see #22).
24. See the Washington Capitals play.
25. Spend a weekend cleaning out my parents’ upstairs.
26. Go to Apple Blossom.
27. Take another Disciple Bible class.
28. Ride my motorcycle more.
29. Learn how to make the perfect cheesecake.
30. Improve my dart game.
31. Help on a Habitat house.
32. Participate in a 3-day Komen walk.
33. Go to the dentist twice (once each year – trust me, this would be a big accomplishment ☺ ).
34. Lose 60 pounds.
35. Learn to knit.
36. Improve my golf game (of course, anything is an improvement).
37. Find the perfect hair color.
38. Paint a mural.
39. Visit my Aunt.
40. Go hiking.