This is Kira. She's the most honest, genuine pup that I've ever had.
Kira is a rescue who came from the SPCA eight or so years ago. Prior to her stint at the shelter, she was found in a snowstorm, tied to a pole with a chain that was wrapped around her neck. That chain had been there so long that it had rubbed all the hair off her neck and embedded in her skin. That chain was a mere 2 ft long. While on the chain, she birthed a litter of puppies who were rescued at the same time she was.
We have yet to determine if she was beaten with a broom or a shovel, but there were many years that I couldn't walk past her with something long on a stick where she didn't cower in fear. There's just something so fundamentally wrong about treating a living thing in that manner and I thank my Lord every day that she found us and our hearts.
She now lives the life of a husky queen. She loves to play with Maggie (the hound dog) and she's kind to the cats. She's no longer scared of things and becomes the most loving cuddler once she trusts your motives. She makes my heart full and I'm a better person because I'm her mom.
MOTHER'S DAY 25 - sainsbury's
2 days ago
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