Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Keep your turds to yourself...

Okay, so I'm not one to do testimonials for things that I actually own...normally I'm coveting things that I can't afford. But this product has made more of a difference in my life than any other in the past three months. Once you find out what it is, many of you will say, "geez, girl - you need to find some other interests if THIS is what's getting you excited." Eh, what can I say? I'm a married woman living alone with four animals, planter fasciitis, and a reality TV addiction. Could be worse, right?

For my friends who are mothers, many of you had at least one (or if you are like my sister, one-in-every-room) Diaper Genie. You know, that odor-proof diaper disposal system that lets you avoid opening your kitchen trash can every morning and wondering who stashed the dead rat under your liner. It was a great creation for the baby-occupied household for a multitude of reasons, the first of which being another thing that you moms get to put on the "honey-do-and-complain-about-it-nonstop" list.

Well, I don't have a baby. I won't have a baby, and if I do have a baby, divorce is eminent. This based on my darling, bald husband's wise choice to surgically eliminate the possibility of pregnancy -- which means that if I show up with something in the womb, either I've made good on my Kevin Bacon 'allowance' or you can call me Virgin Mary of Chattanooga.

This, my friends, is the LitterLocker. It's a Diaper Genie for cat turds!!! CAN YOU HEAR THE EXCITEMENT IN MY VOICE RIGHT NOW??? This little wonder allows me to scoop the cat box leavin's directly into the Locker, where they are sucked into a black hole of nothingness. No smell, no constant running to the outdoor trash with a Target bag full of cat crap, and most importantly, no access for the Hound Dog when she smells cat brownies baking.


For reals, this little wonder has been a miracle. If you are like me, and can't think of anything you hate more than scooping crap out of a plastic box, then this is what you need. Not to mention, it will give you WAY more time for your (er, my) reality TV fix.

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