Friday, October 7, 2011

I Heart...

Many of us have seen lines and lines of tributes to Steve Jobs, who passed away Wednesday from pancreatic cancer. We have quote him, thought on the message he preached, and continued to use the products he brought us without second thought.

As I sit here, typing this entry on my MacBook Pro, I can't say that my heart isn't heavy. But it's not heavy because he died – although cancer indeed sucks ass. Truly, I'm sad for me and for all the other Apple users in the world because we will never know what the next twenty years of Jobs' brain activity might have brought. The legacy that lives within the walls in Cupertino will undoubtedly continue the progress, but to what extent? I'm feeling selfish. I want more digital goodness. I love the rush I get when I read a leaked report about what's happening at my favorite brand. It's really that simple.

The boys at Foundery, a branch of Mint Digital, found a SUPERB way to honor this innovation giant. Below you will see the portrait that was created using old Apple parts. I seriously would want this in my living room if it weren't for the absolute disaster it would be to dust.

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