Right now, there is an endcap in Target stores, nationwide, that contains 17 different notebook designs that I did for Top Flight (in partnership with New Leaf Paper). I'm not sure why I'm so proud of this collection, except to say that seeing this endcap in the stores makes me as giddy as a blue-hair on her way to 4 o'clock supper at Denny's. It was a true labor of love. I designed nearly 100 options before the customer was able to narrow down to the 17 you see here. There's no way to quantify the process, other than to say that it was more fun than I usually have (note some of the humor in the sayings), although it was long and arduous.
Regardless, I'm super proud of "these here" book designs. Check them out at Target, and if you are so inclined, purchase one of the more inappropriate ones (perhaps the dogs sniffing each others butts) for your mother-in-law. Tell her that I said, "you are SO welcome."

Can't wait to get to Target !!! to buy them up ! Terrific fun !, Keep 'em coming !
I resemble that BLUE-HAIR remark! Gonna buy me some, anyways. Your Auntie
Once again your talents amaze me & the world!!!! I will have to make a trip to Target. Congrats Anna!
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